Beach Tradition-New PJ's
Why is it that a spontaneous vacation can sometimes be so much better than a planned one? We decided spur of the moment to head to the beach for the night. The weather was ideal and because Brad's weekends are Monday and Tuesday the rates were great. We had a great time playing pictionary in the sand and watching the girls discover sea urchins and starfish. It was so refreshing to get away and relax. It's amazing how much different life is becoming for us as we exit the baby stage and our children are able to interact with us a little more on our level.
Brad and I have always made up silly games since back when we were dating. While on the beach, we spit sunflower shells at each other and used a stick as a bat to try and hit them. I love the games we make up because it always brings me back to when we fell in love. I just love my husband!