Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lessons Learned

Well, we don't have facebook or myspace and we don't tweet so we are a little out of the technological loop. I figure it's time to start a blog...

Last week I was sick with a "boomerang" flu (one flu followed by another), in that time Brad took 3 days off work followed by his weekend. He was forced to do an entire week of laundry, take both girls to dance, make 3 meals a day, take care of the dog and our new kitty, clean the house, keep the girls entertained, and buy groceries. He thoroughly enjoyed being a stay at home dad, BUT only for the first two days. By day three he was exhausted and ready to clock out. He said, "I could NEVER be a stay at home dad". He did a wonderful job and even though the house was a mess, my car was a disaster and the girls' diet was quite different (peanut butter and chip sandwiches), the girls were HAPPY. I have been a little bored with my job in which God has called me to do. Being forced to lay in bed made me realize how great life is and how blessed I am, not only to have the liberty to stay at home with my beautiful babies, but also to have such a wonderful companion.

On a light note, after months of praying for the right school, Tay made the list for Cor Deo Christian Academy. She is eager to be in school and loves to tell everyone that after Summer she will be in kindergarten. Tay is in dance and absolutely loves it. I have never seen her light up the way she does when she is dancing. As a mother, its so rewarding to see your child so passionate about something!

Remi on the other hand decided she would get her first hair cut, by herself! She found her toddler scissors (Tay calls them slizzers) and sat on daddy's lap while he was sleeping and snipped away. Thankfully her hair was pulled back and she only cut the front and not her curls! She cut a lot off, but unbelievably it looks very even.

Dancing Queen

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the pic of you girls with Brad in uniform. Awesome :)
