Brad and I feel like we are in a great place in our lives. The girls are at ideal ages. Rem says the cutest things, Tay's imagination is wonderful as well as her heart and I LOVE celebrating the holidays with them. When I get excited to bake Halloween cookies or make crafts I get to see the joy in my children as they too get excited. What a blessing! It's also so nice as they get older to spend more alone time with Brad like we did when we first met. Lately we have been dropping them off in the kids club at the gym and spending a couple hours together working out and chatting in the steam room with no interruption which brings us back to our roots.
Tay carried on a tradition that started with my mom and my grandma and was passed down to me which I in turn passed to my girls. Its finding a simple gift be it a magazine or a candy bar and wrapping it up and putting it on the persons bed for when they go to their room. I remember my mom doing this for me and it always made my day. A couple of days ago Tay found one of her favorite dolls. She decided to wrap it up, make a card and put it on Rem's bed. Tay is so sweet.
We are all doing well and feeling very blessed by what God is doing in our lives. Even though I am quite the soccer mom now (minus the mini van!) with school, gym, AWANAS, and home school twice a week I am really enjoying this stage in life.

mama's heels

Tay carried on a tradition that started with my mom and my grandma and was passed down to me which I in turn passed to my girls. Its finding a simple gift be it a magazine or a candy bar and wrapping it up and putting it on the persons bed for when they go to their room. I remember my mom doing this for me and it always made my day. A couple of days ago Tay found one of her favorite dolls. She decided to wrap it up, make a card and put it on Rem's bed. Tay is so sweet.
We are all doing well and feeling very blessed by what God is doing in our lives. Even though I am quite the soccer mom now (minus the mini van!) with school, gym, AWANAS, and home school twice a week I am really enjoying this stage in life.
mama's heels
I love how you write so easy conversation-like, it makes me feel like we're sitting together over a hot cup of something caffeinated just visiting. Darling pictures Dionne, keep it up!